Always BCareful

Our Safety Mission Statement:

  • Safe Enough for my Family, my Co-workers, and the Public – Every Job,   Every Day!

  •  One of the main reasons we come to work is to support our families and our   personal lives. We believe that work should enable us to do live life fully and   not hinder life. Unsafe work practices, habits, and attitudes not only hinder   but can also severely affect our families and our personal lives, as well as   the lives of those who work with us. This is totally unacceptable to HD   TYRES.

  •  We care about safety and health because:
    • we care about all our employees
    • safety and health is a non-negotiable value
    • it demonstrates respect
    • it is consistent with our company values.

  •  Safety cannot be just a priority, as then it can be easily re-ordered as and   when needed. We believe that Safety is the standard, the foundation that all   work must be completed on.

  • We are all Safety Leaders; I am responsible for my own safety as well as   your safety.



Stand back a distance of 2 metres

Take 2 minutes to observe the area around yourself and the task at hand

Try and identify hazards / risks that might cause an injury / damage

Put preventative measures in place

Continue with the task at hand